What is Pathfinder Legal Services Ltd and what do we do?
Originally called LGSS Law Ltd, established in 2015, the firm has developed and grown before being rebranded in September 2021 as Pathfinder Legal Services Ltd. Our client base includes more than 100 organisations across the public and not-for-profit sectors including Local Authorities, Children’s Trusts, Integrated Care Boards, Foundation Trusts, Charities and Police and Fire Services.
Why choose Pathfinder Legal Services?
We offer the benefit of carefully developed business processes and the latest case management technology to ensure client matters are dealt with efficiently and expeditiously. Having obtained and maintained LEXCEL accreditation, the Law Society’s quality mark, our team ensures a level of resilience which is not deliverable within smaller teams. We are also excellent value for money – a key factor in our expansion.
Our charging rates are substantially reduced and our regular billing system transparent. We offer a variety of options to local authority and public sector organisations from a pay as you go arrangement to a partnership agreement up to joining as a shareholder of the company.
We welcome enquiries from any public sector or not for profit or charitable organisations on how Pathfinder Legal Services Ltd could work for you and look forward to working with you soon.
What benefits does Pathfinder Legal Services Ltd offer?
Pathfinder Legal Services Ltd can deliver benefits as follows:
For Clients
- Access to a large team of local government legal experts.
- An aim to provide the best legal outcomes for clients.
- Cost-effective pricing compared to private sector law firms.
- Cost certainty (or regular updates on pricing) to enable effective financial management.
- Ability to instruct on ad hoc matters or on a regular basis.
- Providing an extension to an in-house legal team at an attractive cost.
- Arrangements to suit (including secondment and placement).
For Shareholders
In addition to the benefits offered to Clients, Shareholders will also get the following benefits:-
- Partnership working, providing legal advice plus added benefits (including advice on service improvement, briefing notes etc)
- Having a legal team based “in-house” in Shareholder offices.
- Regular meetings with Heads of Service to discuss service improvement and case planning.
- Management information to assist with service and budget planning.
- Cost-effective pricing (at a preferential Shareholder rate).
- Attendance at shareholder meetings and a place on the firm’s Board to help develop and shape the company.