All public sector and not for profit organisations need to enter into contracts with third parties whatever the value. Sometimes these decisions are low value and straight forward, however occasionally things can go wrong and legal advice is required. Occasionally these will be high value or more complex arrangements where consideration needs to be given to public procurement rules, state aid or compliance with contract procedure rules.
The changing financial climate has also lead to organisations considering alternative ways of delivering services resulting in consideration of creating local authority owned companies or joint venture/partnership agreements.
Our lawyers have detailed knowledge in a wider variety of contract and procurement areas including:-
- Negotiating and drafting contracts of all types
- Involvement in the management of supplier contracts (including inception, award and completion)
- Advice on procurement strategy, process and competitive dialogue
- Advice on State Aid
- Creation of trading companies and associated documentation
- Confidentiality agreements, creation of terms and conditions and funding agreements.
- Contractual disputes
- Advice on construction contracts (both JCT and NEC)
- Advice on all aspects of Academy Conversions
- Parent Company Guarantees, Collateral Warranties, Design and Build Contracts, Bonds and Deed of Variation
- Advice on compliance with Contract Procedure Rules and legislation.
- Intellectual Property Advice